Successful technical meeting of the “Partners for Water” MAR project
On Jan 9-11, 2024 the “Partners for Water” project conducted technical meetings for detailed planning of the Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) pilot in Nga Bay, Hau Giang province. The delegation from the Netherlands included the new project manager Marnix van der Vat (Deltares) as well as Jude King (Deltares) and Ate Oosterhof (VEI), who were visiting the Mekong delta for the first time. Romano Radjkoemar (VEI), who is well connected with Hawasuco, also joined the meeting. CRMGG was represented by Anke Steinel and Nelly Montcoudiol. The overwhelming hospitality of Hawasuco paved the way for a fruitful discussion on finances, operational planning, conceptual design and technical details. The group also had the chance to visit the NAWAPI MAR pilot in Vi Thanh.
It was decided that the project would be starting with recharge and recovery from the same well (ASR), which is planned to be drilled in May 2024. The conceptual model also showed that gravity infiltration would be sufficient for the expected infiltration capacity of the well and a pressurized injection would hence not be required.

Presentation of the conceptual design at HAWASUCO with participation from DONRE Hau Giang

Marnix van der Vat, Jude King, Ate Oosterhof and Romano Radjkoemar (from right to left) inspecting the aquifer sediments.