Workshop “first results of the 1st phase in Nam Dinh”

The Workshop gathered more than 20 representatives including leaders from CWRPI, Nam Dinh DONRE and the German experts from BGR working for the Project. Public opinion showed their particular interest in the Project with the attendance of Vietnam Television, Vietnam Press Agency and Labor Newspapers of Nam Dinh branch.
The objective of the Workshop is to inform Nam Dinh DONRE about the results of the project activities which have been implemented in Nam Dinh in the first phase and to discuss about the action plan for the second phase. Dr. Frank Wagner and Dr. Falk Lindenmaier – the expert of Numerical Model from BGR- presented in details the works carried out for Nam Dinh and brought out some scenarios about the status of Nam Dinh groundwater resources up to 2020. Though more data are still needed to be entered, especially extraction rates from the region, the Model was considered quite “close” to the reality and was highly appreciated by the DONRE. Overall, a general conclusion from both presentations is that actions to reduce groundwater abstractions in South of Nam Dinh are urgently needed to maintain the valuable groundwater reserve in the future.
After the presentation of the two experts, effervescent discussions have been raised up concerning technical issues. The BGR recommended some actions which are already needed from the DONRE side, instead of “waiting” for further project activities.
After the workshop, all the participants went to the monitoring wells in My Thinh commune, My Loc district to visit IGPVN’s constructed wells. The Vietnam Television has also shot the whole procedure of water leveling by the experts and the interviews with the leaders of CWRPI, the DONRE and the German experts. (see the Documentation for the presentations and the video prepared by the Vietnam Television)