Planning workshop for the second phase of the project

Dr. Do Tien Hung, Director of CWRPI and Mr. Jens Boehme, IGPVN Project Leader jointly opened the workshop. After the short opening session, each side had a short presentation on the results of the first phase and their expectations for the second phase. In general, all speeches outlined the importance of improvement of management capability of groundwater resource in Vietnam
Effervescent discussions have been raised up when participants expressed their ideas on the tasks/activities, milestones, resources needed for successful implementation of the Project’s second phase. The strong commitment from all DONREs has been shown up which is considered the first sign to ensure the successes of the Project.
(Number of Man/ Month Ininput processed actions for the 1st, 2nd and 3th years), 3) IWRM roundtable is organized together twice in a year with cooperation of all relevant stakeholders (minute of meeting are availble). Five outputs are agreed upon including 1) Pilot case studies concerning relevant groundwater issues (capacity building 1: expertise, solutions, recommendations), 2) CWRPI Multiplier Teams transfer knowledge to Divisions/DONREs (capacity building 2: training, transfer), 3) Support IWRM process in Vietnam, 4) Improve the awareness for Groundwater Protection, 5) Organisational Development CWRPI (internal and external).
The PMU shall work with DONREs to refine all main activities and appropriate milestones relating to the 5 project’s outputs taking into account actual capability, data/information, documents and resource available in each province which will be verified in the Baseline studies planned to be carried out after the Workshop.
Mr. Jens Boehme and Dr. Do Tien Hung jointly closed the workshop on 25th Feb. at 16.30, expressing their satisfaction of both sides on the agreed outcomes of the Workshop and hoping for the successes of the Project.