CWRPI internal Workshop on “How CWRPI needs to develop the Human Resources”

HRM_320x240On August 4th, 2011 at the Division for Water Resources Planning and Investigation for the North of Vietnam, BGR and CWRPI has co-organized the 1st workshop on the Development of Human Resources.

It was the first workshop concerning the improvement of personnel for CWRPI. Twice a year, such kind of workshop will be organized by BGR/CWRPI. It is one part of Output 5 (Organizational Development for CWRPI: Internal and external) from the Project’s Operational Plan.

The ½ day-workshop attracted 20 participants including Leaders of CWRPI, three Divisons, sub-centers and chiefs of different Sections from CWRPI headquarter.

The workshop has brought leaders of CWRPI together to start brainstorming on the development of CWRPI human resources. Delivering the a short speech in the opening session, Mr. Jens Boehme – Project Leader (BGR) and Mr. Do Tien Hung – Director from CWRPI emphasized on the importance of human resources for the sustainable development of CWRPI in future as well as the position of CWRPI in the water sector. It is believed that the improvement in the quality of human resources as well as the policy to attract talented people who should wholeheartedly devote for the Center are urgent and essential for the development of CWRPI in the future.

Effervescent discussions were ignited on the current status as well as solutions for the improvement of the human resources for CWRPI accordingly. Attentions are put on several following ideas: 1) to help developing the symbolic/typical team for each section/profession. 2) to train and make employees understanding clearly the role and responsibilities and his/her rights. 3) to focus on training through various approaches such as encouraging personal self-education, carrying on the job training, regular training and re-training and specialized training. 4) to reestablish personal policy which includes how to attract talented people, recruitment and training officials; classifying staff for training; rearrangement for right people/right job; remuneration policy to better promote the initiative of the workers.

As a results, three selected mini projects are agreed by CWRPI leaders as the first step to improve the situation of CWRPI including 1) To carry out assessment and rearrange staffs with the motto “right people, right job”; 2) To construct and improve the HR policy helping employees to be more active in the work; 3) To carry out research and preparation for training on how to forecast water resources in the Northern Delta (in both quality and quantity). These mini-projects are led by the leaders of CWRPI and expectedly will bring good results by the end of 2011.

Closing the workshop, Mr. Jens Boehme expressed his satisfaction and optimism for the results obtained through the Workshop. He stressed that BGR would offer the best supports possible for CWRPI to improve its human resources and looked forwards to the successes of the Project in the second phase.

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