Site visits for a new Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) pilot with Deltares
On Aug 31st 2023, CRMGG and Deltares met with HAWASUCO (Hau Giang Water Supply Company) to investigate three potential sites for a new Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) pilot using treated surface water for pressure injection into the confined aquifer. The surface water treatment plant in Nga Bay and pumping stations with groundwater treatment system in Long Thanh and Cai Tac were visited. Coordinates, groundwater levels and electrical conductivity of groundwater were measured where possible. Apart from hydrogeological aspects, the main aspects to be considered for site selection are the availability of surplus treated surface water during the wet season and the seasonal or backup demand for groundwater abstraction. Findings will be discussed further with all stakeholders.

Inspection of groundwater well in Nga Bay

Water storage and wells at Long Thanh pumping station

Groundwater level measurement in Cai Tac